A-I |
Austria |
Graz Marathon
http://www.graz-marathon.at/ |
Klagenfurt Wörthersee Marathon
http://www.nachtmarathon.at/ |
Kainach Bergmarathon
Mountain-Marathon with 6,000 feet of altitude diff. Marathon and marathon relay.
http://www.bergmarathon-kainach.at/ |
Most attractive alpine marathon run on a gently declining road-course being surrounded by the magic summits of the Pitztal Alps in the middle of Tirol. Marathon, half-marathon and marathon relay.
http://www.gletschermarathon.at/ |
Linz Marathon
Marathon, half-marathon and relay.
http://www.linz-marathon.at |
Wachau Marathon
10K, half-marathon, marathon & 53K
http://www.wachaumarathon.at/ |
Vienna City Marathon
http://www.vienna-marathon.com/ |
Wörgl - Tirol Vital Marathon
http://www.tirol-marathon.at/ |
Marathon (26.2 m) with 4600 ft. height difference, 30 minutes southwest of Vienna. Also offering half-marathon.
http://www.wienerwaldmarathon.at/ |
Belgium |
Beernem - Baccara Marathon
http://www.beverhout.be/ |
Brugge - Guldensporenmarathon
http://www.guldensporenmarathon.org/ |
Maas Marathon - Marathon de la Meuse
http://www.maasmarathon.com/ |
Mons-Valenciennes - Hainaut Marathon
http://www.marathonhainaut.be.tf/ |
Nieuwpoort-Ieper - In Flanders Fields Marathon
http://gallery.uunet.be/amos/ |
Torhout - Nacht van Vlaanderen
10k, marathon and 100k
http://users.belgacom.net/nvvl/ |
In Flanders Fields-marathon
In the 'Westhoek' of Flanders. The start is at Ramskapelle, a picturesque village close to Nieuwpoort. The marathon follows the river the IJzer towards Diksmuide, and goes further alongside the Ieperlee to the historical town of Ieper-Ypres.
http://www.marathons.be |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Plitvice marathon
Marathon, 16km and 7km. Start and finish in Velika Poljana.
http://www.np-plitvicka-jezera.hr/news.aspx?newsID=400&pageID=145&lan=en |
Czech republic |
Prague International Marathon
http://www.pim.cz/ |
Denmark |
Aabenraa Mountain Marathon
http://www.bjergmarathon.dk |
Copenhagen Marathon
http://www.sparta.dk/ |
Farsø - Uhrskovs Marathon
http://lodberg.homepage.dk/uhrskoven.htm |
Hillerød-Denmark - Skovmarathon
http://www.skovmaren.cjb.net/ |
Kangerlussuaq - Polar Circle Marathon
http://www.polar-circle-marathon.com/ |
København-Helsingør - Medvindsmarathon
http://www.sitecenter.dk/medvindsmarathon/ |
Nexø - Bornholm Marathon
http://www.saan.dk |
North Sea Beach Marathon
http://www.beachmarathon.dk/ |
Nuuk Marathon
Marathon, half marathon and quarter marathon (Greenland)
http://www.nuuk-marathon.gl/ |
Næstved - Stjernemarathon
http://www.hgam.dk/ |
Odense - Hans Christian Andersen Marathon
http://www.hcamarathon.dk/ |
Viborg City International Marathon
http://www.viborgcitymarathon.dk/ |
Ã…rhus City Marathon
http://www.aarhus1900.dk/marathon/ |
Estonia |
Baltic Marathon
Tallinn - Marathon, half-marathon and 10k.
http://www.rahvajooks.ee/ |
Finland |
Ãland Marathon
Ãland Marathon & 1/2 Marathon at Ãland Islands on a flat and fast course.
http://www.marathon.aland.fi/ |
Forssa - Summer Night Marathon
Marathon, half marathon and 10K
http://suvi-ilta.fsp.fi |
Helsinki City Marathon
The biggest marathon in Finland.
http://www.helsinkicitymarathon.com/ |
Outokumpu - Kuparimaraton
http://www.angelfire.com/al/kuparimaraton/ |
Paavo Nurmi Marathon
Turku, marathon and half-marathon
http://www.paavonurmisports.com/ |
Santa's Arctic Circle Marathon
Marathon and half marathon.
http://www.specialtravel.net |
Terwa Marathon
Marathon, half-marathon and quarter-marathon in Oulu, which is located on the shore of the Gulf of Bothnia in Finland.
http://www.onmky.fi/osastot/yleisurheilu/oulumaraton/ |
France & Monaco |
100km de Millau
Marathon and 100k
http://perso.wanadoo.fr/microtel.millau/100kmillau/intro100k.html |
10k, half marathon and marathon
http://albi.marathon.free.fr/ |
Marathon and half marathon
http://www.courir74.com/calendrier/avril/annecy.php |
Baziège Marathon des Coteaux
http://cdsmr31.chez.tiscali.fr/cdsmr.htm |
Carqueiranne Le marathon du soleil
http://perso.wanadoo.fr/acms/ |
Combs-la-ville Marathon de Sénart
http://www.san-senart.fr/index.htm |
Figeac Marathon de la Vallée du Célé
http://perso.wanadoo.fr/lffigeac/ |
Jarnac Marathon du vin de Cahors et de la Gastronomie
http://www.odice.org/ |
Laval Marathon des Ecluses
http://www.marathondesecluses53.org/ |
Le Touquet Marathon de la Côte d'Opale
http://www.marathondutouquet.com/ |
Lyon Marathon
http://www.occadesport.com/ |
Marathon de Nantes
http://assoc.wanadoo.fr/marathon.nantes/ |
Marathon d'Azay le Rideau
http://perso.wanadoo.fr/azaymarathon/ |
Marathon de La Rochelle
http://www.marathondelarochelle.com/ |
Marathon des Yvelines 2001 Ã Bazainville
http://marathon.yvelines.free.fr/ |
Monaco International Marathon
http://www.monaco-marathon.com/ |
Paris Marathon
Marathon and half marathon
http://www.parismarathon.com/ |
Reims à toutes jambes
Marathon, half-marathon and 10k.
http://www.ratj.fr/ |
Pauillac Marathon du Medoc
http://www.marathondumedoc.com/ |
Pertuis Marathon du Luberon
http://www.provence-luberon.net/ |
Saint Sylvain d'Anjou Marathon du Loir
http://assoc.wanadoo.fr/marathonduloir/ |
Toul Marathon de la Mirabelle
http://members.aol.com/cantusmi/marathondelamirabelle/index.html |
Valenciennes Marathon du Hainaut
http://www.marathonhainaut.be.tf/ |
Villeneuve-lez-Avignon Marathon des Vendanges
http://pujaut.free.fr/marathon/marathon.html |
Great britain |
Edinburgh Marathon
Scotland - Marathon and marathon relay
http://www.edinburgh-marathon.co.uk/ |
Robin Hood Marathon
Marathon and half marathon (Nottingham)
http://www.emnet.co.uk/RobinHoodMarathon/ |
Halstead Marathon
http://www.halsteadmarathon.co.uk/ |
Hampshire - New Forest Marathon
http://www.nfma.org.uk/ |
Kingston Running Festival
http://www.humanrace.co.uk/ |
London Marathon
http://www.london-marathon.co.uk/ |
Loch Ness Marathon
Marathon and 10K.
http://www.lochnessmarathon.com |
St Helena Festival of Running
Marathon, half-marathon and 10K.
http://www.freewebs.com/festivalofrunning/ |
Sheffield Marathon
http://www.sheffieldmarathon.com/ |
Stoke-on-Trent - Potteries Marathon
http://www.roadraces.co.uk/mids/mids001/webpage.html |
Greece |
Athens Marathon
The original historical course. Starts in the town of Marathon and finishes in the ancient olympic stadium in downtown Athens by the Acropolis. Marathon and 10K.
http://www.athensmarathon.com |
Aristotelian Marathon
Doxato-Dramas, Marathon & 10K.
http://marathon.seedrama.com/ |
Hungary |
Budapest Marathon
Marathon and half marathon.
http://www.budapestmarathon.com/ |
Iceland |
Myvatn Marathon
http://myvatn.is/marathon/index.html |
Reykjavik Marathon
http://www.toto.is/rmar/ |
Ireland |
Dublin Marathon
http://www.dublincitymarathon.ie |
Italy |
Bari Marathon
http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Pressbox/2860/barimaratona/ |
Bari Marathon
http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Field/9720/ |
Bolzano(Bozen) - Südtirol Marathon
http://www.suedtirol-marathon.com/ |
Corteno Golgi - Sentiero '4 Luglio' (Skyrace)
High altitude marathon and half marathon
http://www.voli.bs.it/4luglio-skyrace/ |
Firenze Marathon - Florence
http://www.firenzemarathon.it/ |
Genoa - Sea Marathon
http://www.maratonadelmare.org/ |
Italian Marathon Memorial Enzo Ferrari
http://www.italianmarathon.it/ |
Latina (Maratona di -)
http://www.uisp.it/latina/ |
Maratona Ravenna
http://www.maratonaravenna.it/ |
Milan Marathon
http://www.gazzetta.it/Speciali/milanocitymarathon/2005/index.shtml |
Napels - Napoli Marathon
http://www.napolimarathon.it/ |
Novi Ligure-Cabella Ligure - Straborbera Marathon
http://www.atleticanovese.cjb.net/ |
Run at night in Jesolo & Cavallino Beach near Venice, Italy. Marathon and half marathon.
http://www.nightmarathon.it/ |
Sentiero della Grigne Sky Marathon
Sky Marathon near Lecco (Lake Como area), Northern Italy, with >6,000 feet of altitude gain. 11-hrs. time limit. Also offering half-marathon.
http://www.gsamissaglia.it/trofeoeng.html |
Padova Maratona Sant Antonio
http://www.maratonasant-antonio.com/ |
Palermo Marathon
http://www.palermomaratona.it/ |
Piceno Marathon
http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Track/5222/ |
Treviso Marathon
http://www.trevisomarathon.com/ |
Turin Marathon
http://www.turinmarathon.it/ |
Venice Marathon
http://www.venicemarathon.it/ |
Verdi - Maratona dei Luoghi Verdiani
http://www.verdimarathon.it/ |
Vigarano Maratona
http://www.ferraramarathon.it/ |